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Medicine or Food?

We met 76 year old Janie at a food distribution in Farmerville. Janie is recovering from a broken shoulder. She’s already on a fixed income, so with the an extra $200 per month in co-pays for treatment and medicine, her budget is really tight.

“I am having to choose between paying the co-pay on my medications or paying for food,” she said.

And for Janie, that decision is often to pay for her medicine. So, she visits a food pantry in Farmerville, which works with the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana, a member of the Feeding America network.

“If it weren’t for this, I’d be eating beans and potatoes,” she said. “It helps a lot.”

Your support helps us provide food to our neighbors like Janie who struggle to make ends meet. Get involved today by donating funds, giving food, or volunteering.

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Give the Gift of Food

Help fill the plates of local families who face hunger

$10 helps provide 45 meals

Help fill the plates of local families who face hunger